Monday, March 24, 2008

Yes We Can

I know I'm a little late on this, but I just watched the Obama "race" speech on youtube this morning, and I have to admit, my eyes welled up a number of times during the video. Maybe he won't make a great president, maybe he's too young or too unexperienced, maybe he hasn't quite fleshed out his universal health care proposal, maybe he's not ready to lead on Day 1 (as Hillary insinuates), maybe he's not the person you want picking up the red phone at 3 a.m. (again, as Hillary insinuates), maybe he's being naive about fighting the special interests in Washington, maybe he has a funny name, but, damn it if he doesn't inspire the hell out of me.

I honestly believe that that's what this country needs right now. A great inspirer. Someone who will talk honestly to us. Someone who will attempt to repair our image abroad. Someone who will bring us together. I really love his whole post-partisian approach and the fact that he hardly mud-slings, and when he does, he does it with grace. I just hope he doesn't get Spitzered. And I'm not saying that I fear that he'll get caught with a hooker. Obama pulling a Spitzer would be like him up and invading Iran for no reason. But I have faith (yeah I said it) and he already has my vote. I might actually go write a check now. It's funny, I learned last week that my mom is a huge Hillary supporter and my (step) father voted for her in the primary. But after that speach, he vowed to switch sides (yes!). Now we have to work on my brother, who is one of the few black (figure that out) men still out there who has pledged his vote for Hillary. If John Lewis can change, so can you. Yes you can!

If you haven't already, you need to watch this video. Do yourself a favor, and set aside 37 minutes. I'll tell you this much, I have a case of undiagnosed adult ADD (I refuse to believe it's a real condition - eveyone has a short attention span), and I sat there capitvated, listening to every word. I usually tune people out after about 2-3 minutes...But this speech...Man...Just listen.

[In Funk Master Flex voice] Hillary ya finished!


Cinsere said...

You know...I was scheduled to come into work at 12 that day, and I had turned to CNN that morning as they were preparing to broadcast the speech. As much of an Obama supporter as I am, I actually thought to myself "whatever...his speeches are great, but I've heard a bunch of them already" and changed the channel. I turned back to it later on as the speech was in progress, and dammit if I wasn't mesmerized, even touched, by his words all over again (and yes, my eyes welled up a bit too). I mean, not just the words, but the sheer scope of the speech; the subjects and issues he touched upon, and how he managed to thread them together so seamlessly. It wasn't something we'd never heard before, it was just something we'd never heard before from somebody that was running for president. I have never listened to any candidate and thought to myself "wow...he really gets it." Until now.

Obama '08!

Still Legal said...

Yessir...The threading was ill...There are not many people who can speak for 37 minutes and stay on course, even when the speech is written in advance...Maybe he has amazing speech writers, but I'd like to believe it's all him.

You know, I used to get offended when white people would compliment him by saying how articulate he is. But you know what? Saying he's articulate because other black people aren't articulate is racist. Saying he's articulate because we've gotten used to having an inarticulate president is something else.

But I think the non-racists that call him articulate are just confusing that word with moving, inspirational and brilliant.

BTW, I think you and your girl are the only people who comment my blogs :(

Unknown said...

Josh what's up man? Long time no talk. I'm terrible about keeping in touch but checked my myspace after months and saw your posting about the blog. I was so glad to see this posting up at the top. That speech was so honest, intelligent, and yes, inspiring. I'm actually doing stuff for Lawyers for Obama so if you want to be kept up to date on any events, etc. let me know and I'll keep you posted. Hope all is well.
