Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ok this is the best I can do for you...

After searching the net for a decent fast loading url, i realized that since youtube deleted it from it's site, the only options that remained was the extremely slow loading sites like youku etc. so insstead of posting one or all of those videos, i'll just give a link.

"But Pro, A link to what??" you might ask, seeing that i've completely left that part out.

"oh yea , my bad ... it's only a link to the GREATEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME."

But The 1st Rule is that i cannot talk about it. and the second rule is i cannot talk about it. and another rule is that you cannot ask questions. so there you have it lol.

This Link will take you to a very fast loading site which will enable you to cycle thru all 8 parts rather quickly and it gives easy instructions on going to fullscreen.

the main reason i decided to post this was to try and go straight to the conversation in the bar, but this is an extra treat. I say that bcuz if you have'nt seen THIS you ain't seen SHIT.