Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thank God for that Figghhhttttt


At least for Papoose, who hasn't had very much in the way of buzz lately.

Wait, Freq's not working with him, is he?

Hold up. Before all of that, I should probably introduce myself first. Cinsere here, at your service...hip hop connaisseur and all around know-it-all. Now some of you may be thinking to yourself, "Hmmm...Cinsere. Sounds familiar. Where do I know him from?" Allow me to jog your memory. I'm sure you know me from that one time I was on Josh's college radio show way the fuck up in Ithaca, NY, like ten years ago (shout out to The Doctor), and I was talking about how dope it was that Big Pun's Capital Punishment had gone platinum on the strength of just ill rhymes and dope beats. If not (though really, how could you not?), then you might know me as that random dude occasionally tagging along hanging out with Josh and Frequency at industry events. That is, unless your name is Eternia, in which case you wouldn't know who the hell I am, since we've been introduced like five times, yet you never seem to remember me. Not that I care. Because I don't. Really. No, really. Anyway...you probably just know the name Sincere from Nas's character in the movie Belly, since that's where I got it from. I just switched the "s" and the "c" around, because I'm clever like that.

Back to the program. It seems that in the latest story written into World Hip Hop Federation, Fat Joe and Papoose are now mortal enemies. Well, maybe not mortal, seeing as how nobody got shot. But apparently, according to 50 Cent's website who broke the story, and later confirmed by both parties, Joe and Pap shot the five at some hotel somewhere down in North Carolina. The two of them were in town for a show they were doing together, along with a lineup of other acts. Oddly enough, Cassidy, who was also on the bill, seemed to play as a referee of sorts, since it happened in his room yet he was not involved in any way. Word on the streets (read: internets) is that Cass asked Papoose to come to his room, and shortly after Pap arrived, Joe shows up with his goons to confront him about...um...something. That something is a bit unclear, but speculation is that it stems from Papoose being on 50 Cent's radio show while 50 was talking his patented shit about Joe. Pap may or may not have laughed. I don't know. If anybody heard the show, holla in the comments. In any event, it seems Joe took offense, and deemed it necessary to confront Papoose about comments made by somebody who was not Papoose. Go figure. From here on out, it's strictly hearsay. According to Pap, it was 1 (him) versus 10 (Joe and 9 other dudes, but I'd say that's more like 12. Joe's a big dude.). But as Joe would have you believe, it was a very even and fair 4 on 4. Pap says he put in "work" on Joe's chin (though he didn't specify which chin). Joe says Pap got "pounded out" (um...pause?), and that one of Pap's dudes ended up in the hospital. I say, dudes should go the Floyd Mayweather route and actually get paid for such well scripted drama.

In the end, I don't believe either one of them. If you could ask the fly on the wall, he'd probably tell you it was a staring contest. Not to take anything away from either of them, of course, but something tells me it just wasn't that deep, and once word got out, they both had to spin it in their respective favor. And it becomes a win/win anyway. Joe gets free pub for that new album he's dropping, and Papoose...well...he's got the streets buzzin' again.

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