Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ashley Youmans a/k/a "Kristen"

Only one question: This girl was (is?) a high priced hooker?

And for the record, I went to her myspace page when the Times broke the story around 5 p.m. and she had 70,000 hits. As of 10 p.m., she had 1.2 million. Wow. I need that type of press.

BTW Kristen, Ashley, Alexandra (or whatever your name is), if you're reading, and you still want to be a pop star, let me be yo manager.

Quick update: as of 10:15 p.m., she had 1.5 million hits.

13 hours later (11:15 a.m. on March 13): 4.9 million hits. Um, wow.

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