Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oscar nominations

I can't really comment on this year's Oscar nominations, partially because I don't tend to follow this stuff, but mainly because I haven't yet seen most of these movies; however, I can say this:

I feel bad that Heath Ledger died. I really do. Nobody should die that young. However, was he really that good in Batman? The publicist(s) for that movie really took advantage of the fact that he died and hyped up his "performance" for months before the movie came out. All of the sudden, every internet geek and casual movie goer was a film critic, discussing the intricacies of Heath Ledger's brilliant "performance."

Give me a break.

He was OK.

The movie was OK.

Get over it.

And, yes, I'm talking to you too Jose.

Best supporting actor?

That's almost as bad as Three Six Mafia winning an Oscar for "Hard Out Here For A Pimp."

But that song was kinda hot...


And for the record...

If I hear another group of ladies talking about Michelle Obama's inauguration day outfits...

Give me a break!

It was an historic and monumental day.

And this is what you're talking about????


Cinsere said...

You wanna talk about "hype"...Benjamin Button received 13(!) nominations. That is the most thoroughly mediocre film I've seen in a long time!

I've never seen a Ledger flick before Dark Knight...but I've always been a fan of Batman. That being said, I thought Batman Begins was just ok, and didn't know what to expect of Dark Knight. I really went in with no expectations. Then I saw it...and I mean, EVERYTHING about the movie was on point. Performances, script, action, mood...shit, the interrogation scene alone encapsulates everything that was great about that film. How can you watch that scene and not see an amazing performance by Ledger?! You wildin' son! Ledger OWNED that role!

Still Legal said...

The only thing that Ledger owned was too many prescriptions